Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We got the BigBlueButton Virtual Machine (VM) working and ready for download. This means you can run your own BigBlueButton server. The VM also serves as a complete development environemtn as well.

Check out this video (it shows how to run the VM and gives an example of makinga change to the client). Try downloading the VM and running it yourself. You'll need VMWare Player for Windows or Unix, or VMWare Fusion for Mac.

To give us feedback, please post to the BigBlueButton-Dev mailing list. Enjoy.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

One challenge with delievering open source software is the number of required components. In BigBlueButton, we have red5, activemq, swftools, mysql, ngingx, and so on.

For developers, there is lots of documentation at our Google Code Site on how to setup a developer environment, but that's for technical people who know their way around the command line.

To make it easier to try out (and develop for) BigBlueButton, we been working on packaging our system as a virtual machine that you could download and run within VMWare Player. We're testing this internally now and should have something to share with you shortly.